Monday, February 21, 2011

I Challenge You!

I hope everyone had a great weekend because mine was fantastic! You know there really is nothing like spending time with family and friends, having lots of laughs and eating so much food lol (Mmm pork, rice and my mom's salsa dip! I could hook up an IV with any of those and my life would be complete!!)

I am so motivated for this week about my business and my artwork. I really am blessed to be able to take this time to build my business and do things according to what I feel has been placed in my heart. I remember doodling on napkins at my old job, dreaming the 8 hour shift away...not anymore!!! Ugh, there is such a freedom with working for yourself and such a breath of fresh air. 
I have to admit, fear can take hold of you. You can feel so overwhelmed and lost because you see what others have with their businesses and it is hard to imagine the big picture. But you know what, we are not responsible to really "plan" the big picture. I mean, it is good to have an idea of where you want to go or how successful you want to be, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I feel we forget to take one day at a time, one step at a time and enjoy the daily process.

Today, I challenge you to enjoy, well, today!! lol Don't sweat the small stuff and don't take yourself too seriously. Enjoy the quiet times, having a place to call home, having family/friends around that support & love you and especially, let us all be thankful that we are going somewhere. That's right. There is a destination, goals that you will reach that will help you grow. But stop for a moment, and "smell the roses!" Take a deep breath, put on your favorite tunes and keep your head up. Here is a scripture that always has me rejoicing:

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