Friday, May 9, 2014

Be a WAHM Rockstar! {6 Online Jobs That Shine.}

Let's be honest, as a mother, that is our number one job. There is plenty to do when taking care of little ones especially if we stay home to do it. That's right: we don't just sit and watch television, eating bon bons (do they even make those anymore? Now I'm hungry). Besides the cooking and cleaning, there is training, discipline, one-on-one interaction/play/projects. That list can go on forever. It is a beautiful blessing, one that I am grateful for. I never would have thought I'd be a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) let alone a work-at-home mom (WAHM). It is a very awesome thing.

Before I go any further, I want to clarify something. Every home and family is different. The dynamics change depending on the needs and desires of the people involved. That being said, read this post thinking about what will work for you...not what you think you have to do. Your first priority should always be your baby (or babies). While opportunities to work at home have fallen into my lap, I know what I can and cannot handle. You should know your limits, weaknesses and strengths. Mothers are home-entrepreneurs...and that is a career in and of itself!

If you already feel overwhelmed just thinking about transitioning from a SAHM to a WAHM, you are maxed out momma. And it's okay. You have what you can handle in the moment. Try not to put unneccessary expectations on I said, being a mother is your #1 job. In the future, I'll be working on a post about balancing WAHM priorities with our main mommy priorities. I really want to share what I've learned to help anyone thinking about working from home.

For now, here are 6 online jobs that can help you rock that WAHM title! Think about skills you've acquired from past jobs. I was in customer service for restaurants and then banking. I didn't like either but what I learned was there is value when company's care about their customers, that going the extra mile always benefits both sides and keeping a positive attitude brings positive results. I now use many skills from past jobs when I run this blog, the shop and write books.

There are a TON of online jobs that can help add some fullness to your wallet. The Work at Home Woman is a great place to start. If you are creative and savvy enough, you could even create your own job! Where there's a need, there's a way. Here are 6 ways you can boost your income straight from your laptop:

1: Content Writer
You don't have to be a professional writer to become a writer. While some companies require writing resumes, there are plenty of websites that are just looking for someone with a perspective. Being a mother gives you lots of perspective! Are you good at sewing, piano, art or kid crafts? Consider becoming a contributor for a blog or site. You get the freedom of having someone else run the website that you write for. How cool is that?

Though I no longer write for them, I've made the majority of my WAHM income as a writer for Demand Media Studios. Personally, I enjoyed working with them. I had to submit an official resume much like an offline job. Home Decor was my section but there's also parenting, health, fitness, photography and more. Demand works with major websites such as LIVESTRONG, eHow, Society6, and The Nest. Each website provides titles for potential articles and a price for each. The average for my section was $25. If the article you write and submit is approved, you are paid $25. One month, I made about $500 alone through Demand Media Studios. It's definitely something worth looking into. (Disclaimer: I'm choosing to discuss my experience with Demand and my compensation. I was not paid to mention them and all opinions are my own.)

2: Blogger
This one you should know about but it is a lot of hard work. Why? Well because running a successful blog that actually pays takes time. And patience. But it is possible and made it on the list for it's crazy possibilities. There are a number of ways you can make money through a blog: sponsorships, partners, reviews, affiliate ads and links...and so much more! I know a blogger who makes about $1,200 a month from her blog and has recently gone from a full-time job to a part-time job to put more hours into her blog. But it's not all about the money; having a blog brings awesome relationships and community. It's not just enriching your bank account but your actual self as well. I recently had a post go viral on Pinterest called The 24 Best Blogging Resources. Check it out for more information on how to make money from a blog, along with a bunch of other great resources.

3: Author
If you love to write, dream big by becoming an author. It's a lot less intimidating than it sounds. If I can do it, you sure can do it! Whether it's a novel or an eBook, writing is the perfect at-home or on the road job. When I wrote The Palace Keepers, I was scared out of my mind! I was worried about printing costs, distribution costs and how to convert it to an eBook. Not to mention, will anyone even read it? Lucky for me, people did read it, thanks to a few companies who helped a motha out.

For printing, I choose Morris Publishing. I wanted to self-publish because it gave me more creative control, reserved my copyrights and was the most cost-effective route. For my first order of paperback books, I probably spent $700-$800. That is not bad compared to the $2,000-$3,000 price tags I've seen with big publishers. I was able to sell them in my online shop, in person and at conferences. I also signed up with Amazon to create a Kindle edition. Write about something you are passionate about and share it!

4: Virtual Assistant
Being a virtual assistant is just that: assisting someone who owns an online business or blog. You can make money behind the scenes, taking care of tasks that your client either doesn't have time to do or doesn't want to do. This can be bookkeeping, filtering/answering emails, scheduling social media messages, graphic design work and more. Alyssa Avant is amazing. She has so much information for moms who want to get started as a virtual assistant. A couple of other bloggers have also branched out and are virtual assistant to blogs with a bigger following. Two that I admire are +Skye McLain and +Kendall Rayburn. These girls rock with their mad skills!

5: Consultant
Being a consultant is different from a virtual assistant because you are offering services, not just helping with the work load. A consultant is like getting paid for what you know. People want what you've learned. They need to be taught and would pay for you to teach them. If you have an eye for design, you could be an Interior Decorating Consultant. If you're good at math (not me), you can consult small businesses and help with financial decisions. Anything you are good at can turn into a consultant business. I've consulted many online shops for free, providing a full critique for them to take and ponder over. It's something I hope to branch out in the future.

+Erin Schrader offers blog consultation as part of her brand located on her advertising page. If someone is serious about growing their blog but needs a hand to hold or a cool new virtual BFF that;s knowledgeable about all things blogging, Erin can help! I seriously want to be her when I grow up. Even though we are probably the same age. Still, she has totally embraced what she knows about the blog world and turned it into not only a profitable venture but a way to build more relationships.

6: Shop Owner
Storenvy, Etsy, Ebay...if you've got something to sell, there are many platforms where you can do that. You can create artwork, prints, custom wedding gifts, hand-sewn items, apparel, vintage finds...anything you'd like! Take a look around your home and see what you can purge. Many mothers are using free social media outlets like Instagram to open a shop where they sell gently used clothes and items their family don't use anymore.

One of my favorite IG shops is Second Sail Clothing. I had the pleasure of creating her shop logo and let me tell you, she is one of the sweetest people I've worked with. Her IG account features photos of clothing items for sale. Anyone can purchase by leaving their email address in the comments. First one to give their email claims the item and they are sent an invoice through Paypal. Just search the tag #igshop and be inspired!

I just recently created a post comparing the pros and cons of Storenvy and Etsy. Head on over to that post right here for my insight on which platform to use when opening an online shop. The details will definitely help with all you creative mommys out there.

Well, that about sums up the 6 jobs that lovely ladies are rocking online today! Anything is possible if you can manage your time and balance your schedule. Nap times and night times are important in my case. It is very rare for me to work when David is awake. There are a number of reason for this, but that feels like another post all together!

I'd love to create a follow-up post answering any questions you guys have for WAHM's. So please ask away in the comment section and I'll put together something awesome to help you.

Remember, don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle! And never compare your work load with others. Let's help encourage one another and be positive towards the choices us moms make.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome--thank you for featuring me in this post but most of all, thank you for writing this post in general! I loved reading through the variety of ways that you have discovered on how to make money from home. You are a huge inspiration--keep rockin' it lady!


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