Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Be About It {Free Printable}

This phrase has been on my mind the last month or so:

"Don't just talk about it. Be about it." - Marie Forleo

I've realized that I used this space to vent (a lot) the last couple of months and probably have some followers lose faith in me. After taking a much needed break, God has really focused my attention and brought clarity to my cloudy mind. This year I don't want to just talk about projects, I want to DO the projects. I don't want to just plan or share my passions, I want to BE them. Does that make sense? Can you relate?

Here is a free printable for all you beauties! It's an original pen and ink illustration. Just right click, save to your computer and print. It's that's simple. Just a few things to note:
  • If you love the graphic, please share the love via your social media, linking back here.
  • This is for personal use only (home decor, wall art etc.)
  • Please DO NOT distribute as your own or use this image commercially. If you'd like to, email me at and we can discuss details. 
Thank you & enjoy!


  1. I love this! I have been wanting to do the same thing, less talking and more doing. You are beautiful Jacy! :)


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