Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7: Selfishness {31 Devotions in 31 Days}

Wow, it has been a full week of the Breaking the Chains devotionals! It has truly been inspiring and life changing, at least for me. In fact, last night I received confirmation through my pastor's evening message that I am on the right track! Don't you just love when that happens? He actually spoke about the exact same thing we talked about in yesterday's devotion topic, "Playing Victim". God is good!!

Today, it's all about me. Okay, and you. Isn't that was selfishness is? Putting the spotlight on ourselves and being consumed by it. When we think about emotional bondage, many times we experience depression, anxiety, loneliness and so on because of past or current circumstances. These unhealthy emotions may not have been triggered by our selfish desires but holding onto them instead of giving them to the Lord borderlines on selfishness.

"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed." 1 Peter 2:24

As Christians, we are suppose to be like Christ. We are suppose to be selfless. As our Lord and Saviour graciously became the sacrifice for us, His mind was on what would benefit His children. His mind was on love. As humans, we tend to hold onto the emotions that we are suppose to let go because we have not learned to love right. Or trust right. When we love the way God loves and we trust in Him, we are able to let go of our selfishness and embrace freedom.

"Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness." Psalm 29:2

Selfishness is usually wrapped up like a pretty present but when opened, only destruction lies. It looks appealing and feels good. When we take, hoard, keep instead of give, purge and bless. Being selfish in our ways actually steals the glory away from God! How can He be glorified in your life if you are in the spotlight? How can we be free from unhealthy emotional bondage if we only look at ourselves and not the One who truly delivers?

"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8

No matter how hard we try, we cannot change God's mind. He has stated in His Word that He will not give His glory to another. Yet, we in turn are so self-consumed, that spiritually we steal the show and expect Him to perform for us. We are looking inwardly to benefit our desires and justify our emotional bondage, that we are blind to an outward God who provides all the benefits we shall ever need!

Think about your daily priorities. Do you put what you want to do in front of what God wants you to do? Have you asked Him what we wants? Think about your relationships. Are you constantly being offended? Are you always dissatisfied? Many times selfishness comes in the form of pain. If we've been wounded, we automatically play the blame game instead of analyzing our motives and actions. Maybe it was our selfishness that triggered the offense.

We must ask the Lord to reveal our selfish motives and desires. Ask Him to change your thoughts and your hearts. Think about how you feel when someone asks you to do something. Do you feel happy to help or sulk and pout? Pray for God to be glorified through all that you say and do, so that it may bless others and free you from selfish tendencies.

Lord, we are so thankful that You gave Your life unselfishly at Calvary. Our minds cannot begin to understand the level of love You have shown. Help us to walk with You, so that we may be changed and can act more Christ-like. I pray that we will move to bless others first before ourselves and do it with joy. That we will let go of unhealthy emotions and trust in You, so that Your name is glorified in our lives. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Have you ever hurt someone else because you were so focused on how you felt?
When was the last time you blessed someone happily?
Tomorrow's Devotion Topic: Justification
For a full list of daily devotional topics & more information about 31 Devotion in 31 Days: Breaking The Chains, go here to read the original post.


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