Friday, September 6, 2013

Change is Awesome.

Whoa. Two posts in one day. That's a change!

I know I've strung you loyal readers along on a string of changes these last couple of years. Heck, just the past six months! Looking back, I was confused. I didn't fit into a certain "niche." It's true. I was torn between being a Christian and being a business owner. In between being a writer and being an artist.

God has been really showing me lately that I shouldn't lean on my own understanding. I know we memorize and say that scripture but it became real. Every decision made should bring Him glory and I should be thankful. Assumptions causes foolish leaps. Zeal makes you do crazy things. Often to act irrational and without planning. I admit, I don't plan as well as I should. I get excited about an idea and boom! There I go doing it.

I finally found my niche and it was inside of me this entire time. My niche is to inspire! Through everything I do, these talents I've been blessed with, this little blog space...whether it's with a recipe, devotion, home's all meant to inspire you. To spark positivity within you. And show how awesome He is.

So, my friends, this blog is no longer "Art By Jacy". It has officially been changed to "Jacy Lee Pulford". Not super fancy but I want this space to encompass all of my passions. The old blog url ( is no more. The new one is! Not just art. Not just writing. But ALL of it! I'm not going to put limits on myself, assuming that's what God's wants. I know now, that is not true.

He is limitless. I hope you can forgive me for the yoyo effect over the last year or so. I also hope that you will join me in this new adventure. I'll be adding fashion illustrations back into my shop and will be working on some freebie graphics for you to download to spruce up your blog. No more holding back. No more hiding my talents. No more hiding a light under a bushel. I'm ready to set the world on fire (figuratively speaking.) 

Are you ready for this change?
I want some honest feedback!
What is the least favorite thing about this blog?
What is your absolute favorite thing about this blog?


  1. I just started reading your blog but I really like the layout so don't change that. I will have to come back tomorrow and read more of your posts and then I will get back to you on what I want to see more of or see changed.

    I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

    I am stopping by from Casey Leigh's link up.



    1. Welcome Jessica! I'm glad you like the layout. It is still fairly new & I love it, so no worries, it won't change at this point. Appreciate your honesty! Thanks for following, hope you enjoy my posts :)


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