Monday, August 26, 2013

Back-To-School: Mod Podge Pencil Makeover {DIY}

The other day I received a lovely package from a talented friend, Amanda, who runs the cute online boutique Bub & Nonnie. She was cleaning out her stash of fabric scraps and lovelies...and I had to get my hands on some! Alas, I held in my hand an envelope oozing with fun fabrics and not a project in mind. Until I began to think about back-to-school, which led to pencils, which some how led to Mod Podge...I wish I can explain how my mind works but I really can't.

You may have remembered my first ever Mod Podge project last year, when I gave some grimy shoes a plaid makeover. This post became so popular and prompted me to think of other awesome projects with Mod Podge. Ah but they had to take a back seat as the new project of mommyhood was priority. Now that my baby is a toddler {I don't even want to talk about it} my mind is exploring DIY project ideas again. You have been warned.

What you'll need:
Fabric scraps
Sandpaper {optional}
Mod Podge
Pencil sharpener

I had a package of cheap dollar store pencils that I thought could use a little back-to-school makeover. First, lay out your fabric alongside a pencil to measure the length. I wanted the fabric to touch right up to the gold eraser band {is that what it's called? Sounds good to me.}

Measure about an inch for the width and cut out the fabric strip. An inch should be plenty to wrap around the pencil lengthwise one time, with a little overlap.

Next, spread Mod Podge generously on all sides of the pencil. Use a brush to evenly distribute the Mod Podge from beginning to end. In simple terms: cover that outdated yellow!

Slowly roll the pencil, pressing on the fabric so that it adheres to the pencil surface. Continue adding light coats of Mod Podge to secure the fabric. Trim any frayed edges and threads. Smooth out the fabric bubbles if there are any.

Cover the entire fabric pencil with a thick, even layer of Mod Podge. Make sure to concentrate on the beginning of the pencil, using your thumbnail to sharpen the edges. Allow 6-8 hours to fully dry before use. Sharpen the pencil with a sharpener. You can use sandpaper to smooth out any frayed edges, but it isn't necessary.

When you sharpen the pencil, you will also shave little strips of fabric so keep that in mind. Small price to pay for such a pretty writing tool, am I right? This would be a great project for both girls and boys. Can you picture a Buzz Lightyear inspired Mod Podge pencil? I would totally use that!

What are your kiddos favorite school supplies?
Are you ready for the madness of a new school year?

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