Thursday, August 1, 2013

10 Blogging Etiquette Tips for Newbies {eBook announcement}

Here she is, folks: the new illustrated cover for my latest eBook!!
I personally drew the cover myself and colored it. Came out better than expected.

The idea for this eBook came about because of the overwhelming support for my post back in March titled "5 Blogging Etiquette Tips for Newbies." Many of you weighed in your thoughts, shared your own tips and just engaged in awesome conversation. Knowing that there are more than 5 tips {and definitely more than 10} I decided I will share 10 important tips on blogging etiquette and create it as a digital book. This way, you can take it with you on your mobile device, tablet or laptop.

Here is what you can expect with this eBook:

- 10 useful tips on how you as a new blogger should behave/interact within the blogging community. Some examples are "Link to actual source", "Write a disclosure", "Serve Your Sponsors" and "You're not the gramma' police."
- Real-life experiences and stories to better enhance your perspective
- Links to valuable resources and websites
- A new outlook and more knowledge about what etiquette is and how important it is online

"10 Blogging Etiquette Tips for Newbies" will be released on August 12th, 2013 {11 days from today!}It is an easy read, about 17 pages, but filled with great info.

I am launching a full campaign the week of the launch; it will run from Monday, August 12th through Saturday, August 17th. Let me tell you, there are some great things in store.

There will be a blog tour where I'll be featured on some very awesome blogs. I'll be giving away a free copy on every blog I'm on, so stay tuned for the blog tour schedule, which will be posted next week. It would be wise to follow me on Twitter because I'll be sharing daily all of the giveaway links AND a link to snag a coupon code. You can also follow along by searching hashtag #augustblogtour

Also, I'll be hosting a HUGE giveaway on my Facebook page that week. One lucky winner will receive a FREE Custom Blog Banner or Logo!! It's a $50 value and is only available in my shop but followers of my page will be eligible to enter by sharing the giveaway and leaving a comment telling me whether they would pick a banner or logo.

I also will be sharing an exclusive 15% discount code on Facebook that can be applied to anything in my shop!

I have to say how excited I am to bring you this eBook and hopefully create more awareness about blogging etiquette. I'll be sharing more about pricing and other details next week, so keep your eyes peeled!

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