Friday, July 19, 2013

Dear David...{The Sky Is NOT The Limit: Letter 7}

I've started a series of letters to my baby boy, that (hopefully) one day he will get to read and (hopefully) be inspired by (if not embarrassed by)

Dear David...

There is a saying that many people use to try and encourage someone. Though I am sure the intentions are good, mommy has a different perspective.

It says: "The sky is the limit."

No. Sorry, son, it is NOT the limit. You see, when people say this, they don't really know what they are saying. It sounds good but the saying itself is very limited thinking. How can we tell people that the sky is as far as they can go? What about the stars? The universe?

As your mother and as an adult example I want to say:
"Why limit yourself to the sky when you can be among the stars and the heavens!"

Don't limit yourself by playing it safe. Reach higher, go farther, shine brighter!!
God made you in a special way. If you choose to follow His will and allow Him to guide you, there is no limit because through God, opportunities are limitless.

The sky is NOT the is only the beginning.
Don't settle for the limits other people may put on you. God is more powerful than that. You can do the incredible and the impossible because with God, ALL is possible! Nothing is too much, too hard, too great, too far for Him and we are well able to reach the stars and explore His glorious universe through His power and greatness.

Son, you are my shining star. In my darkest nights, your face is the light that shows me there is hope. Go be that and more to someone else. When you grow older, I don't ever want that light to dull or for your shine to be buffed away. My mommy bear instincts are already taking over as I write this because people will try. They will try to tell you that you can't go higher than the sky. They will whisper in your sweet ears that there is a line into greatness that you cannot cross. They will shout that you are not good enough, smart enough, handsome enough...

...and they are wrong. All wrong. Take those emotions inside, the yucky feeling they dumped on you and building yourself the tallest most beautiful latter! Past the sky, past the first star, past the first planet...and keep going and going and going...until God tells you "You are right where I want you."

Baby, don't settle for the sky when God created so, so much more...


Linking up here:

Super Sunday Sync


  1. Hey there. I am a new follower and I blog over at where i share some of my infertility journey, a few favorite recipes, and just daily life. I would love for you to stop by and say hello soon! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I will do my best to stop by. Appreciate you!

  2. I'm visiting from the Babies and Beyond link-up. What a beautiful keepsake for your son to enjoy someday. I'm sure he will appreciate these wise words as he grows older. :)

    1. Aw thanks for stopping by! I hope he will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed writing them :)


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