Friday, April 19, 2013

Fabric Fun Friday: Embroidery Hoop Art

I've been wanting to do this theme for a while on Fabric Fridays but honestly I wasn't sure if the "embroidery hoop" ship has sailed. I figured that some people may be sick of this trend but honestly I'm not yet. I've even introduced some embroidery hoops into my Girly Girl Bathroom Makeover, which I'll be revealing very soon. You'll have to just enjoy Part 1 for now.

As usual, click on the photo to be directed to the original link. Hopefully you'll be inspired and will share my love for fabrics! Do you have a theme for a future Fabric Friday post? Comment below and let me know! Enjoy my beauties, have a blessed weekend! ~ Jacy

General, Nursery Embroidery Hoop Wall Art: Expression Your Baby Room Ideas for Girls

Embroidery Hoop Art - Tree, LOVE, Apple, Wasp (four pieces) hand embroidered
Embroidery Hoop Art. Lettuce Turnip the Beet. Funny Embroidery Hoop
Hand embroidery hoop art christian valentine art god is love christian decor
Whenever I get sad I stop being sad and start being awesome embroidery hoop wall art

 photo hipsterhoops.jpg
Embroidery hoop art


  1. Thank you, Jacy, for including me in your wonderful collection! Mary Louise mlmxoxo

    1. Anytime!! Thanks for stopping by, Mary Louise :)

  2. Beautiful!! I love all the different embroidered designs!! Thank you ever-so much for including my embroidery among these beauties!! xo

    1. You are welcome, Megan! Glad you enjoyed the post/feature. God bless!

  3. These are all so fantastic! I love the idea of a hoop framing an art print.

  4. i love them and hope they don't go out of style too soon :)

  5. I touched on embroidery hoop art before I moved to NC. I loved it. I can't wait to unpack them now. Are you thinking of selling some incorporating your art designs? I would be on it!

    1. I have thought about it but I really suffer from idea overload haha Love the art on hoops though!

  6. i love the clothes on line one.. so cute... and creative!

    1. I do too!! So cute, wish I thought of it lol


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