Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Taking a break...

If you have followed my blog for a while, you know this about me.
Some times, I need a blogging break.

It's so important not to lose sight of "real" life and whenever I feel like my days are spinning out of control and my priorities are whacked out, I know God is telling me to "be still" and focus back to what is important.
Not saying this blog isn't important but it sure is not more important than God or my family. I want to serve my family and the Lord with my entire heart, not half of it...

I am reading some ebooks and devotionals and this statement really hit home for me:
"What God revealed through His word is that unless our ultimate pursuit is of Him, then we cannot physically accomplish anything and still honor Him." - Amy Bayliss, Pursuit of Proverbs 31

I want my life to bring Him honor. I want this blog to bring Him honor. 
I don't feel like I'm doing this the right way...or maybe I'm too close to see it.

Right now, I need to take a break from the blog world to get my perspective in order.
I know I will be back...the question really is when. I will let God tell me when.

It may be a week, it may be a month...I might pop in here or there to update or chat. I'm leaving this up to the Lord.

I love all my readers and I know I can bring Him honor and glory here, I am just trying to figure out how...I love all of my sponsors and as a thank you and an incentive, you will all get a free month's worth of advertising. It's my job to post and bring you traffic and if I am taking a break, I should give you something in return. Like I said, this is not the end...just a pause, a deep breath, a spiritual sigh...

I am writing some ebooks and have many ideas in my mind. I feel God may want me to work on these without distraction...and boy, can blogging be a distraction.

So, for now, enjoy my old posts. There are plenty!
Seek God with all your heart, you will never be disapointed xoxo
(Matthew 6:33)

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