Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hello Emotions, meet Postpartum

I was wondering what was going to write about today and then it hit me...a flood of emotions, that is.

Don't you just wish sometimes you had an off button? I mean, I know most of our husbands do {well I'm sure mine does anyway, and I don't blame him!} but REALLY?! I'm happy-go-lucky one minute, then stinkin' evil-selfish-bratface the next! {If that was a super hero name, I'd totally be it. Not sure what my powers may be though...somewhere along the lines of crying because the house is a mess and public humiliation for my family...}

I was SO in denial when the doctor had warned, while pregnant with David, that after birth I could experience some serious depression and emotions. Who, this girl? *insert two thumbs here* pshhhh.
Yeah well, guess what? That stuff is NO joke!! I'm already an emotional person {duh female} but depression? me? No way, I had thought. I never really was depressed a day in my life! {aka 28 years} I tried to be positive, upbeat and happy!

Lately though the emotional roller coaster seems to have gone from medium to flippin' insane in 0.5 seconds. I know it "will pass" but man, when you are in this heavy tornado of tears and meltdowns, you can't help but feel so lonely like you are the only person that has EVER felt this way. Why do we think that??! I mean, right?! How many women in history have gone through things, and for whatever reason, we always think (because it's happening to innocent us) that we are the only ones that have experienced something haha
I am so glad to know that Jesus understands what I'm going through. No, not because He was pregnant and had postpartum...even worse, He died on the cross and suffered shame! Christ felt emotions too; loneliness, despair, maybe even defeat at times...but you know what? He prevailed!! There was victory!!

So today, as I'm sitting here debating about whether I should cry or laugh, Jesus is also here by my side, saying:

"Daughter, my heart was heavy once too. I can feel what you feel; see what you see. Just hold on and take things slow. Hold my hand, because I'm not going anywhere. When you feel alone, remember my Voice and be soothed. When you feel overwhelmed, remember I carried the cross and died to lift off those burdens. When you are sad, troubled, confused, emotionally drained...remember with me, you shall never be faint or weary, as long as you run under my wings! I love you and will never let you go!"

Man, we serve an awesome God!!
Don't forget to thank Him today
{even if you are a evil-selfish-bratface}


  1. oh, this was a breath of fresh air for me! 5 weeks PP, yesterday, and I feel like this on most days, unfortunately, but "this too shall pass" THANK, GOD!

  2. You are not alone Casey!! The Lord knows, hang in there girl xoxo


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