Thursday, July 26, 2012

Be an August Sponsor!

"You mean to tell me, that you have no sponsors momma?"

Yes son. That is the truth.
So let's change that my friends, shall we?!
I admit, this is my first sponsor attempt so I'm a bit nervous but also super duper excited because I want to get connected and promote some amazing people/shops/blogs!

Currently, my blog has ads on Our Reflection, The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife, Naptime Review and Agape Love Designs, all of which have over 1,000 followers (and counting.) As of this post, Art By Jacy has 171 followers. The number is growing daily, thanks to many blog hops & linky parties, which I participate in weekly.

Here are some stats, if that's your thing:
Blog posts - 4-5 a week; my goal is to up it to 5-7 :) 
Page views last month - 2,820+
Page views of all time - 18,560+

Facebook Fans - 290+
 Pinterest - 150+

I also do many blog giveaways & guest posts.
Art by Jacy is growing daily and though it may be a tiny piece of the blog world real estate compared to some other mansion sites, I promise to do my best to promote you & help build you up too!
My motto has and will always be "people helping people."

So...what do you say?

Again, I'm still getting the hang of this new adventure.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email


  1. You are so silly girl, course it is! If you'd like, we can swap ;)

  2. hahaha that picture is great!

    drop by and say hello!


  3. Thanks Nicholl! My little boy makes the best expressions, I should do a post of just pictures with all the funny faces he makes haha


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