Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Devotion: The Purpose of Scripture

This week started great and then it was a struggle for me spiritually.
To be honest, I start off good reading the Bible and praying...and then I just get caught up in life and it fades.
You know what I mean?

When I get that way, and I recognize it, there's something inside of me that knows I have to make it right. This makes me thankful for God's mercy! When I notice I'm "off track", that means I am being given an opportunity to repent and get back on the right road.

So I tried...and came across this passage:

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"
2 Timothy 3:16  

 Our main purpose in life is to get to know who Jesus is and glorify Him.
The purpose of the Bible and the scriptures is to make sure we accomplish our main purpose and keep ourselves in line with God's ways. No wonder I feel so "blah" when I don't read the Bible! It sounds like common sense, but at the same time, it's easy to forget.

2 Timothy 3:16 says scripture is profitable in reproof, correction and instruction.
Not in our own ways...but in righteousness! And we all know who is the righteous One, right? Scripture records how the Lord feels:

"For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright."
Psalm 11:7

When we feel off our Bible reading game, we need to remember that we NEED the scriptures in order to please the Lord! He is righteous and loves righteousness!

If we are just reading but staying the same, can we be instructed in righteousness?
I think not...
Today, let's not look at the Word of God as something to check off our to-do list or even something to read to make us feel spiritually superior. God's purpose for His Word is to correct and change.
And a changed heart brings Him so much glory!!


  1. "To be honest, I start off good reading the Bible and praying...and then I just get caught up in life and it fades. You know what I mean?"

    i KNOW what you mean!


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