Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{JJ&M} journaling series: My First Day of Church

{entries are edited to protect names & identities}
**Note: Jonathan is now my husband.
We were dating during these entries :)

    Wow, been a while since I've written in here. I also have entries on my computer too. Anyways, things are pretty good. I finally went to church this past Sunday! I have been wanting to go for a while, even before Jonathan but my schedule and everything just messed it up for me.
But I have been having morning shifts on Sundays, and the service isn't until 6pm, so it works out.

I really liked it. It was a pentecostal church, which it was my first time in one.
I told my manager's mom, Maria, that I went to church. She was excited, until I told her what type it was.
"No, no, no. We WANT to go to heaven!" she said to me.
I was speechless. I didn't know what to say, she caught me off guard 'cuz I though she was gonna be happy for me. But she wasn't.
Then she goes, "You be Catholic." and she leaves saying she's going to pray for me.

And yesterday, (family members) kept bringing up stuff in the past about me. It really hurt because it was things that I'm not proud of, and I do want to be forgiven for them. But stuff keeps getting thrown in my face this week. I hate it.

Anyways, I have flippin' jury duty tomorrow. Of course I do...just my luck, on a Thursday when I work w/ Jonathan.
Hopefully, I don't get called for trial. If I do, I'll still see my baby for his bday on Friday!! :)

Just Jesus & Me Journaling Series
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my new prayer journaling series!
New entry will be posted next week, so come back :)


  1. Sounds like a great series. I can't wait to read future post.

  2. I agree - this is going to be an awesome series and will be waiting for the next post.

  3. How wonderful that you kept this journal all this time and you can see God's hand in it from then....looking forward to more!

  4. Thank you ladies, it's awesome that I get to share something so personal with you all :)
    AnnMarie, it is pretty will notice the dates changing a lot as I did not keep with it too much at first, but things do get deeper and more personal as I get to know Jesus more. I appreciate you taking the time to read it!

  5. It's kinda fun to go back and see where you were and how far you've traveled with Jesus.....

  6. This sounds like a great series! It's amazing how quickly we learn when we start going to church how many different kinds of churches there are!

  7. @sammysgrammy, totally agree! It's great to reflect.

    @Luella, I'm so excited to share it!! You are so learn quick that there are many different churches. I'm blessed the Lord called me to my home church :)

  8. IT'S interesting how when you are not doing spiritual things that no one bothers you - but I think the enemy comes against you when you draw close to Christ. He uses everything and everyone to try to interfer with your new relationship with Christ.

  9. Very true. My pastor has always said that the first few years of a new Christian's walk are the most difficult because of that very fact!

  10. Hi Jacy,

    Looking forward to reading more of your walk with Jesus. I never really know which is harder, the beginning when the enemy is trying everything to stop you. Or years of following Jesus and having trials and those around you backing off for some strange fear it will rub off on them.

    I will certainly be praying for you, as the enemy never wants us to share our testimony. Though I have always believed our testimony is not what brings us to Christ(as that past is all forgiven, never to be brought up by Christ again), but everything and anything you do from your time of accepting Christ until you go home. I believe it easier to accept Christ, walking with Christ will always have its ups and downs. Staying the course is what makes us true believers.

    new follower from etsy's SCT

  11. Jilly,
    God bless you! You hit the nail right on the head :) Couldn't have worded it better. Thanks for following!!

  12. Wow! Posts from the past are priceless and we can see how we have grown. Thank you for sharing. I found you on the Vintage wanna Bee blog hop. I am now following you and would love a follow back because we all need to share prayers.

    My Turn (for us)

    Thanks, I enjoyed the visit.


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