Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear Jackie: A Letter to My Puppy Girl

As I wrote a previous blog post a little while ago, I glanced at my feet and saw our Siberian Husky, Jackie, curled up and sleeping. I couldn't help but grin to myself. If you ever saw her curled up, you would too :)

See what I mean? Too cute for words!
It got me thinking how I don't talk about her enough on my today, I decided I will write Jackie a letter. Huskies are super smart buttttt I doubt she would be able to read this! Eh, here goes...

Dear Jackie,

You were so little when we got you two years ago! You were only 9 weeks old. We can't believe how much you've grown and matured.

Thank you for being so loving and forgiving, even when we lose our temper or cool. Sometimes, it seems logical that we would want two socks to be together...we see now that you just needed more toys and attention.

Before you came, there were a lot of things we newlyweds were dealing with. You taught us to put others first, how to manage our time wisely and above all, laugh no matter what was happening! Oh, you are one silly pup and you do the dopiest things, but I wouldn't want you any other way!!

Thank you for always supporting my work. I know when I'm in the studio, it can make you sad because you just want all the attention. How do I know? Well, you do drop "subtle" hints like bringing me your ball and laying on my feet.

I'm sorry for not giving you as much attention as I know you need. The truth is, you can never get enough love and attention! You're such a love hog...and that helps me in being less selfish.

Also, thanks for being my best bud and keeping me company when daddy has to go to work early. I love my cuddle bug! You are so sweet, even if you do get your hair all over the pillow :)

Oh yes, and thank you for all of your helpful paws in the kitchen! I know deep down you want to be a chef...even if it's just for the scraps. When you curl around my feet at the counter and practically numb my toes, I remind myself how much you really need me, even if I get upset that I can't move!

To sum things up, here are the main things I'm thankful for:
- Your sweet nature
- Your unconditional love
- Your faithfulness and loyalty
- Your playfulness and innocence
- Your selflessness
- Your cuddles and kisses
- Your love for children and people
- Your obedience and trust
- Your ability to make everyone around you smile

I'm looking forward to spending more years with you. Daddy & I can't wait for the baby to meet you and start a relationship with you. We know you two will be the bestest friends in the world.
Love you, Beauty!!


  1. Stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to show you some blog luv! def enjoyed this post :)very very cute dog


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