Saturday, January 28, 2012

Spotlight Saturday presents Art By Jae

To set the record straight, I didn't feature this next artist because her shop name was similar to mine or her name for that matter...hehe
She's just so super talented!!

Meet Jae, and acrylic and oil painter who is just getting her little Etsy shop started:

1)  Can you tell me a little about yourself?I am in love with art!  I majored in illustration in college and went on to study art therapy and eventually art education.  I am now a high school art teacher in Georgia, and I love my job.  It is great to be surrounded by creativity all day, and to be able to come home and work on my own paintings!  Most of my paintings are realistic, but I am inspired by anything colorful.

2) When did you start creating art:
I still have a drawing that I made in the 5th grade, so I would say very early on!  I have been painting since I was in middle school, taking adult classes at local community colleges and signing up for every art class in high school that I could.  I have always loved drawing.  My mom likes to tell stories of me being a 2 year old coloring in the lines in my coloring book, and her thinking that was totally normal until my little brother came along!

3) How do you describe your style?
Most of my paintings are realistic, but very colorful.  I am inspired by things in nature, and things that are complex.  I love painting animals, bicycles, and flowers.  I like my paintings to have a modern edge to them, and I never want them to look too stiff.  I want them to look alive and bright!

4) Where or who do you get your inspiration from?I am inspired mostly by nature.  I love going hiking, camping, and just walking around outside.  There are beautiful colors everywhere, and I try to capture that on my canvas.

6)  What do you like to do when NOT creating?I love dancing and have recently started taking Zumba classes.  I also like taking my dog, Dexter, on walks to the many local parks around Atlanta.

7) What's the best part about being an artist?
The best part about being an artist is bringing something you see in your mind to a physical form.  It is an unspoken language that allows others to share in your visions and ideas.  It's really a magical thing!

8) If you can peek into any artist's studio, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Definitely Salvador Dali!  He is my favorite artist and I love all of his paintings.  He was a unique person and had a unique vision of the world.  It would be amazing to see how he worked and to be able to ask him about his paintings.

9)  What do you like about Etsy?
I love the community of artists on Etsy.  It is inspiring to be around so many creative people.  It's a great avenue to share art with the world!

10) Where do you see yourself/your art in 10 years?Hopefully I will be showing in many galleries at once, with art around the world.  It would be awesome to have one of my paintings in another country, in somebody's home or office.  It would be like little pieces of me traveling everywhere at once!

I love the bright colors and the realistic touch.
Thanks for spending time with us, Jae!!
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