Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Help, My Preggo Brain is Taking Over!!

Here we are at Christmas :)

Okay, seriously, this pregnancy thing has been going great. Not gonna lie. I feel pretty awesome, no sickness and my energy level is sweet.
BUT I cannot shut off my dumb brain!!

Do you know what time it is right now, as I'm writing this post?? 4:40am!! Uh yeah, I know...

Help, I have preggo brain, and I can't stop it! lol
This month has been by far the worse case of pregnancy brain. I've been super-duper forgettful (more than normal) and at night, I toss and turn because ideas/thoughts/memories fly through my mind like Grand Central.
Hence, how I came about writing this! haha

Here's just some of the things I've experienced (from what I can remember):

 - Making egg salad, I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and started mixing everything into it, only to find that halfway through there was an empty bowl already waiting on the counter. Cannot remember taking out the first bowl and just gave it a death stare, like it jumped out on purpose to make me feel like a loser!

- My spelling is normally not good (praise the Lord for spell check!) However, I've been finding myself lapsing in knowledge as I type/talk/ mean, opportunity is not spelles opputunititie?

- Was talking to my handsome prince about something and there was a pause. Yup, thought process totally illiminated! (uh eliminated)

- I got the idea of how I wanted my blog to be made over (do you like it BTW?) Ended up getting out of bed at 5:30am and re-made the layout, created ALL the pages & content, created the advertising chart, and renewed my url address so that my blog is now my official website!

I know there are many more things to list, but frankyl frankly, it's 5am now and my mind is foggy...but clear at the same time...if that makes sense...

I'd love to hear your expereinces experiences with preggo brain, so that I don't feel so crazy! a preggo out...


  1. I remember that very well. I always said that my brain cells were being transplanted into the little one growing in my womb. Then with nursing things didn't But some good things came out of it....productivity...a letter written to my grandmother just days before she died. (That was a rare handwritten letter found on her desk as we went through her things.) Yep! Preggo brain is the real deal but it can be very good too.

  2. Funny I don't remember that at all. Maybe I just don't remember!

  3. Now with my 16-month-old, I'm claiming "mommy brain." There's just SO much constantly on my mind I still forget half of it! haha! I seriously want to think of a specific instance of preggo-brain, but I can't remember. ;)

  4. hehe...since I am a grandma I can call it brain-pause. :)

  5. Don't laugh Jacy-- but I have woman-o-pause brain! I think it's similar. BTW- you look lovely in your preggo-picture~ so sweet!

  6. Hahaha thank you so much ladies!!
    I appreciate all the input and for sharing your experiences...pregnancy is surely a wonderful and funny thing at the same time :)

  7. Lol, pregnancy brain is funny. Congrats to you! I remember those days and I had twins! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and delivery for your little one!

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