Monday, December 26, 2011

New Blog Schedule in the New Year

Wow, I cannot believe Christmas is already over!

To kick off the new blog year, I was thinking I needed to make my posts more frequent and with more purpose.
This new blog schedule will help with two things:

1.) I will be more organized by topics so that...
2.) will have more confidence in my blog & interact more :)

So without further ado, starting January 2nd 2012 (next Monday) here is what my new blog schedule will (hopefully) be. 

HOMEMAKER MONDAYS:  I will be sharing any home projects I'm working on (before & afters), recipes, cleaning/cooking tips, and anything else home/family/marriage/mommy related.

FREEBIE TUESDAYS: You'll love Tuesdays! This will be when I announce new giveaways, whether on my blog or one that is hosting a giveaway for me, and where I will announce the winners. Yay for free stuff!!

LAID-BACK WEDNESDAYS: Since this is the middle-of-the-week day, it will be an open topic day where I will share thoughts, what's on my mind, and anything I find cool or interesting.

STUDIO THURSDAYS: On this day, I will be sharing with you behind-the-scene studio shots of the creating process, sneak peeks at new illustrations and design projects, tutorials for anything crafty & artsy, and ideas that I need opinions on.

FABRIC FUN FRIDAY: This theme is totally staying because you guys love it so much! I do too, so on Fridays, I will continue to showcase some fantastic fabrics and some cool ways people use fabric to create.

SPOTLIGHT SATURDAYS: All right, this will be so much fun! Who doesn't like the spotlight? Every Saturday I will feature an artist or Etsy shop owner that I admire, share photos of their work, and maybe even an interview.If you would like to sign up for a feature, comment below that you would and provide your email!

DEVOTION SUNDAYS : I'm a lover of Christ and cannot possibly be doing what I'm doing without Him! Sundays will be exclusively devoted to God. I'll be writing spiritual/inspirational posts, sharing scriptures and whatever else that Jesus has laid on my heart for that day. This will uplift your spirit and get you ready to tackle another week!

There you have it folks!!
Of course, this is flexible and I may add/take away as time goes on. For now though, I think this schedule covers everything that I am passionate about and would love to share with my dear!

Have a blessed week, enjoy the last days of 2011 :)


  1. Sounds like a great line-up! Good luck with your new schedule -- I know I'll never stick to one so I don't even try!!
    (stopping by from Blogging Buddies)

  2. Thanks Sarah :)
    Haha it's funny you say that because I'm really bad at sticking to schedules with my blog too!

    I'm hoping this new schedule will get me more focused and organized lol

  3. Wow! How organized you are! You have inspired me! My first time on your blog and I have become a follower because it all sounds so fun! Would love either of my Etsy shops to be considered as a feature on your blog.... or
    My email is

  4. Welcome AnnMarie!!

    It's funny, I'm very organized off-line but not so much on-line! This is my attempt at fixing that :)
    Thanks for following, that is so sweet! It'll be a blast.
    I'll check out your shops...nice meeting you!!



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