Monday, April 25, 2011

Sorry for the delay...

Hey ya'll!!

So sorry that it has been forever since posting...I am getting my hands deep into a project right now and I have been just so excited about what God is doing.
I will take the info that some of you have provided concerning being featured on my blog in the future
(I have not forgotten you!)

But I want to briefly share what I am doing now and am hoping for some support.

I have just launched a campaign to raise the necessary funds in order to self-publish a book. I had talked about is in previous posts; it is called The Palace Keepers.
In a nutshell, it is a book about emotional purity and how to protect your spiritual palace.
Please take a moment to visit the link below, and read about the project.
I am asking for everyone's help. Even if you contribute $1, it would be much appreciated!
I have incentives setup so you will be receiving a gift in exchange for your contribution.
Also watch the promo video! Let me know what you think :)


  1. Jacy

    As I looked through your profile and artwork I was filled with joy and happiness. You are one amazing person and I am so proud of who you are and what you believe. Not many people are as focused or even willing to take a stand and the challenge that you are today with your life and your career. I've known your father for many years because I too grew up in Hartford CT and have since moved to Florida 11 years ago. I honor you Jacy for making such a great difference in your life and not falling into the same patterns that some young people do when they face obstacles in their life. You took control of yourself and stood up for what you believe and want in life. Your father I know is so proud of you! I've learned in my life that people need one another. The presence of other people is essential. Caring, helping, being friendly and thoughtful to others is so important. I've been in some tough situations myself and have fallen down many times but God has lifted me up and has wiped me down and I am walking the path of faith with Him. At time's we think that we can handle things all alone, but we run into some situations and need assistance. The one and only person that will always be there is God Himself. He will sustain you and build you up and never leave you. I say all of these things as a friend to a friend. You are going to excel to a greater level than you can ever imagine. See you have the right attitude and are focused in helping people providing information that is important. Your speaking says it and your artwork. " Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord. Proverbs 16:20. Be blessed! Julia Bermudez

  2. Wow thank you so much Julia...this is truly humbling. All i can say is I am merrily a ball of clay in the Potter's hands :)
    I appreciate your kind words...God bless you!!!


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